- Good quality modern education for talented children predominantly from rural areas.
- Candidates of Rural, at least 75% Urban, utmost 25%.
- Reservation of seats for students from SC/ST categories in proportion to their population in the district subject to the national minimum.
- Reservation of seats for girls is 33%.
- Co-educational and fully residential, up to Class-XII.
- Location is usually in rural areas. One the basis of offer of cost free land and rent free temporary buildings by State/UT Governments.
- Free education including boarding and lodging as well as expenses on Uniforms, Text Books, and Stationery etc.
- Affiliated to CBSE.
- Admission in only Class-VI only through objective type test designed and conducted by CBSE in the concerned district.
- Implementation of Three-Language Formula
- Regional languages as medium of instruction for first three years. Hindi/English afterwards.
- 30% of students in Class-IX from a Vidyalaya located in one linguistic area spend one academic year in a Vidyalaya in a different linguistic region to promote national integration through understanding of the diversity and plurality of country's cultures and people.